Saturday, 22 September 2012

No 15 // Starstories once more

Remember the little previews of the starstories project I posted a while ago? Here's what became of them!

Cepheus, little Andromeda, Cassiopeia, the Nereids and Poseidon

Perseus on Pegasus, comign to Andromeda's rescue

Pegasus (and the Muses)

Cassiopeia (and Cepheus)
Perseus' story

Saturday, 15 September 2012

No 14 // What if...?

Wow, I haven't posted anything in a long while! My semester break will soon be over, though. I'm already very excited and curious about the new courses I will take! But for now, let me show you the book I made last semester. This is what it looks like from the outside:

The concept basically is a very simple one. On one page the protagonist asks herself: What if ...?

(What if I was allowed to eat as much dessert as I'd like to ...?)

And on the next one she realizes that maybe it wouldn't be as awesome as she had imagined.

(...then I'd feel really sick afterwards.)

This one is my favourite page:

(What if superheroes watched movies about me? (And not vice versa))

 And another one:

I'm quite happy about how it turned out. It's still not perfect, but I did a very big step towards the style I'd like to have!