Wow, I haven't posted anything in a long while! My semester break will soon be over, though. I'm already very excited and curious about the new courses I will take! But for now, let me show you the book I made last semester.
This is what it looks like from the outside:
The concept basically is a very simple one. On one page the protagonist asks herself: What if ...?
(What if I was allowed to eat as much dessert as I'd like to ...?) |
And on the next one she realizes that maybe it wouldn't be as awesome as she had imagined.
(...then I'd feel really sick afterwards.) |
This one is my favourite page:
(What if superheroes watched movies about me? (And not vice versa)) |
And another one:
I'm quite happy about how it turned out. It's still not perfect, but I did a very big step towards the style I'd like to have!